2023 Kratom Price Report!


Staff member
Hello everyone. I've just posted a report that breaks down all Kratom vendors in the database and ranks them from highest price to lowest price, in terms of cost per gram. There are a few categories.

  • Highest to lowest cost per gram for ounces
  • Highest to lowest cost per gram for 1oz - 200 grams
  • Highest to lowest cost per gram for 200 - 500 grams
  • Highest to lowest cost per gram for Kilos
Once you read the report you'll notice some vendors jump around in rankings depending on the category. For example, some have the cheapest ounces but drop in ranking for the 200 gram range.

Check out the report and enjoy!

Report: https://mitrawatch.com/articles/2023-kratom-vendor-price-report.php

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